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Connecting people to Alaska’s diverse history, art and cultures by supporting the Alaska State Library, Archives and Museum

OUR MISSION is to connect people to Alaska’s diverse history, art and culture by supporting the Alaska State Library, Archives and Museum

The Friends have the following responsibilities...

SUPPORT the Alaska State Library, Archives and Museum which promotes and coordinates library services throughout Alaska; safeguards government records; and collects, preserves, and exhibits Alaska’s diverse cultural and natural heritage.

EDUCATE through workshops, lectures, activities and events, newsletters, and promotional publicity.

EXPAND COLLECTIONS statewide through acquisition of art, photos, artifacts & documents.

PROMOTE ELECTRONIC ACCESS to resource materials, homework help, Talking Book Center access for visually impaired, genealogy research, and Online with Libraries (OWL).

HOST free exhibit receptions, artist demonstrations, music performances, First Fridays, and other special events.

ADMINISTER THE ETHEL MONTGOMERY SCHOLARSHIP and INTERNSHIP: annually for Alaska Native students pursuing library or museum studies.

ENCOURAGE donations, grants and legacy planned-giving as a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501 (c) (3) organization directed by an unpaid volunteer board.

Read our BYLAWS for more detailed information on our organizational mission, purpose and structure.

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Interested in Board service?  Learn more and contact us

ANNUAL REPORTS  Learn more about the Friends supported activities by clicking on our Annual Reports below

Rev. A. P. Kashevaroff
(standing outside the Alaska Historical Museum),
Alaska State Library, Historical Collections,

Michael Z Vinokouroff Photograph
Collection ASL-P243-3-007


APK: Father Andrew P. Kashevaroff building

FoSLAM: The Friends of the Alaska State Library, Archives and Museum nonprofit organization

SLAM:The (Alaska) State Library, Archives and Museum

Alaska State Library, Archives and Museum HISTORY

People started collecting art and artifacts for the Alaska Territorial Library/Museum before June 6, 1900, when it was established by an Act of Congress, but those objects weren’t available to the public until 20 years later when the collection was moved out of the governor’s closet and warehouse in Sitka where it had been stored to Juneau’s Arctic Brotherhood Building. 

Recently appointed as the Alaska Territory’s librarian and museum curator in 1919 by Alaska Territorial Governor Thomas Riggs, Jr., the soon-to-be St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church priest, Father Andrew Petrovich Kashevaroff (1863-1940), shared the artifacts with everyone, especially children.

Kashevaroff was the “true founding father of the state museum,” said former Senator Dennis Egan. The Russian-Alutiiq priest, a well-known speaker, writer, and translator, acquired hundreds of Russian and thousands of Alaska Native artifacts for the library/museum and founded the Alaska Historical Society. Humorist Will Rogers wrote, “Father Kashevaroff . . . has made a great study of Alaskan customs, relics, languages, its history . . . if ever a fellow fit in a museum, it’s him in this one.” 

To celebrate the Alaska purchase centennial, Juneau citizens voted for a sales tax to fund a state museum building in 1967. The Friends of the Alaska State Museum organization was born in 1968. After almost fifty years, the Alaska Legislature voted to combine the previously separated state library, archives, and museum (SLAM) in a new facility and named it the Andrew P. Kashevaroff (APK) building after its “true founding father.” It opened June 6, 2016. The Friends became the Friends of the Alaska State Library, Archives and Museum (FoSLAM) and in 2018 celebrated its Fabulous Fiftieth birthday.

A 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, FoSLAM raises funds to support library, archives and museum programs; educates the public; hosts special events; provides honoraria for guest speakers and artists; receives grants and donations, purchases artifacts and fine arts; funds scholarships/internships; and recently created a Forever Fund to ensure the collection is never again stored in a closet.

Annual Friends’ reports provide additional historical information.

© 2021 Friends of the Alaska State Library, Archives and Museum

P.O. Box 22421, Juneau, AK 99802 

FoSLAM is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

Alaska State Museum | 907-465-2901

Alaska State Library | 907-465-2920

Alaska State Archives | 907-465-2270

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